Post by Lucifer on Sept 14, 2008 16:45:07 GMT -1
Lucifer Morningstar
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! / For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: / I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”[/center]
Vanity...My favorite sin
When he was an Angel he was described as the most beautiful of all. When he fell he sustained some of his amazing androgynous beauty but became rougher around the edges with time. He stands just under six feet of slender perfectly toned muscle. His skin is icy pale and his hair black as night. His eyes, when not the usual black orbs of the Fallen are a crystalline pale green. He dressed in very much a rock style, wearing allot of black and leather trousers. He has numerous tattoos’ across his body. His wings are black, leathery and fall over in large arches.
“On a starred night Prince Lucifer uprose. / Tired of his dark dominion swung the fiend.”
Lucifer’s fall is well documented; various accounts and reason behind it, and eons have passed since that day. The starting point was God asking Lucifer to bow down and worship mankind. He refused, and his jealousy of god’s love for humans tainted of him, turned into anger and then hate and he rose up, gathering forces, gaining support from other Angels and he began the war in heaven. He lost and he had his fellow angels were cast out, becoming the fallen. Lucifer himself was cast into the fiery pits, known as the realm of hell. He rose up from the ashes and became acquainted with the forces of darkness, the demonic entities that lived in hell. Lucifer began to form hell into his own kingdom and the demons did not seem to mind, it did not affect them, they were amused they now had angels....fallen angels alongside them. The demons and the fallen joined forces in the battle against heave, though currently they are at a stale mate. The kingdom of hell is used as the dumping ground for the souls of those who are not allowed entry into heaven, or so rumour has it. Lucifer spends his free time torturing man kind’s sinners in eternal d**nation. Lucifer enjoys his time on earth, he is vain and shallow so has recently opened up a modelling agency and does part time modelling himself.
It's All about the company you keep
Damian is Lucifer's Commanding general and closest friend. The two are often seen together generally having fun, even at the expence of others. They have a some what adolecent attitude on life and will drink, cause mischief and generally have fun.
Music Dude
The Prince of hell has recently taken it upon himself to start his own rock band, already reaching national fame. he takes his alias Adam Morningstar. The band is called Ghost